Like all of us, I was struck by Nelson Mandela's passing this week; left blinking and unsettled as I look around at a world he helped to shape, a world I've never known without his presence. Loosing Mandela shocked me in a way loosing my own Grandfather did, and more; his was an energy I've long looked to for inspiration and steadying in a world that feels all too often imbalanced by our own egos and misinterpretations. Human to human, to animal, to plants, we continue to struggle with connecting and bridging these tiny yet seemingly insurmountable spaces between Us and Them, Familiar and.... Other.
It goes without saying that Other is none other than Ourselves, seen through a different light, a different set of circumstances. Now is a good time to recognize the graces and blessings in the roads we weren't called to walk, the journeys we have no call to take. Now is the time to honor others whose paths look very different from ours, yet whose footsteps fall on the same Earth as ours.
Beloveds, the nature of these Quests of ours is really so very simple:
You do not get to know your own Journey's end in order to travel. You simply have to go. Anyone else you meet on this adventure is doing the exact same thing, regardless of appearances. Let's encourage each other. At the very least, let's get out of each others' way.
As I continue on this journey of mine, I am continually struck by the ways in which I am learning to See the things I cannot really see; the truth inside the seeds. In this Winter time of cold and transition, when the seasonal veil between death and resurrection reigns supreme, I encourage you all to open your eyes to see past what seemingly is and is not, and lock gazes with what is truly Real.

Madiba Moon
The moon lays like a cradle,
low across the sky
Suspended in solitary,
lonesome lullaby
There lies Madiba,
cradled to our breast
Quiet and wide-eyed
in the newness of his death
And the universe surrounds us all
Lifting and catching as we fall
And we have only this little,
tiny time to breathe
Only this fractal shining
moment of reprieve.
What are you choosing
in this blissful blitz of time?
How are you breaking, naked,
into the Divine?
For the Universe surrounds us all
Lifting and catching as we fall
I want to blaze out
in the glory of the stars
I want to give until
I've lived with all my heart
We are all cosmos spinning
into the Supreme
we are all empty
til we fill the space between
Where the Universe surrounds us all
Lifting and catching as we fall
The moon lay like a cradle,
low across the sky
Suspended in solitary,
lonesome lullaby.
© J. Bellantone 2013