Thursday, March 17, 2011

KinderGardens are here!

Oh my goodness, I'm so excited! After years of inventing hands-on lesson plans for all sorts of learners, I decided it was time to create an adaptive gardening curriculum that would make green learning available to everyone, especially homeschooling families and folks with physical challenges.
Linnie, picking day lilies.
Surely, I reasoned, there are lots of families that want to garden but don't have the time, the space, or the first idea as to how to make their green dreams a reality.
What they need, I reasoned, is a literal immersion course in the natural world. And with that -
behold, the KinderGardens program  was born!
Avie, gathering eggs from under the hens.
My hope is that with time, the program will branch out and be a resource for elders, public school groups, and everyone who is interested in growing their own delicious and beautiful foods. I'm a firm believer in the healing, teaching power of nature. For more information, check out the KinderGardens page, and feel free to send me any suggestions and ideas you've got - learning, like life, is an interactive adventure.
Another learning day at Bloomfield Farm.

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