Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nifty Things & Cards With Strings...

...that's what blogs are made of.

It occurs to me that I've got some long-overdue posting to catch up on - namely, from Montreal. This one, though comes from VT. My amazing friend Emily gave this to me - her man, Masa, found it in a museum shop, and I love it (though at the rate I'm traveling, I might run out of red string)!
Before I left Vermont, some friends took me on an edible tour of Montreal, from dim sum to chocolate crepes to Schwartz's smoked meats. Here's a taste of what we tried at Juliette et Chocolat:
Clockwise, from top to bottom: fresh fruit crepe with melted chocolate, "grandma's style" fair trade dark hot chocolate, and a chocolate shot. Not pictured: salty caramel brownie with white and milk chocolate chunks.
I know.
Lest that cup appear unremarkable:
It's not. That, my friends, is a Vessel of epically-proportioned goodness.
Do I look smirky? I feel smirky.
So smirky, in fact, that the next morning, as I sat licking my mental whiskers and hazily recovering (read: purring) from the previous day's gluttony, I decided to try and recreate the J&C salted caramel sauce. You know, the same way bloody maries are good for hang-overs?
Don't judge.
Anyway, the result was pretty darn tasty, which is why a couple of weeks later you got this post. I'm a little obsessed.

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